topDentis Cologne
Armin Safavi-nab, dentist

After my state examination in 1997, I joined my parents' practice and from the first hour I threw myself into two areas. The treatment ...
of phobic patients and the prevention of periodontal diseases. As early as 2004 we developed our own concept for professional teeth cleaning in my practice, had our own rooms and trained specialists who dealt exclusively with this. In the treatment of anxiety patients we have trained colleagues for over 10 years and look back on the treatment of over 5000 of these patients. Since 2016 I am the owner of the MVZ topDentis Cologne GmbH in Cologne. On over 650sqm we work here interdisciplinary with specialized colleagues and physiotherapists. Our prophylaxis department is the cornerstone of our treatments, because optimal prevention makes many treatments unnecessary. Oral health is still an essential component of our dental activities. As a PerioPrevention Center Cologne, we are in constant exchange with other medical and therapeutic colleagues in order to treat diseases as early and comprehensively as possible.
"Only those who treat with open eyes provide comprehensive and sustainable therapy".

Your certified professional

Armin Safavi-nab
Contact details
Tel.: (0221) 66 95 03 00
Fax: (0221) 66 95 03 10
Address: Schanzenstraße 6 – 20, 51063 Köln, Carlswerk, Gebäude 1.10
Impressions from the practice