Dr. Beatrice Hartmann

Dr. Beatrice Hartmann

Did you know that biological dentistry views the oral cavity and the body as an interconnected system? The health of the oral cavity can influence chronic diseases. That's why we take a holistic approach so that our patients feel completely at ease.

I am a dentist and a member of the German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK), the German Society for Functional Diagnostics and Therapy (DGFDT) and the German Society for Environmental Dentistry (DEGUZ).

From 1993-1998 I studied dentistry at the Carl-Gustav Carus Medical Faculty in Dresden, TU Dresden. In 1998 I received my license to practice dentistry and in 2003 my doctorate as Dr. med. dent. with the topic "Changes in the fractionation parameters of the oral mucosa (mouse) after conditioned pre-irradiation: recovery kinetics (Medical Faculty Dresden Carl-Gustav Carus Dresden, TU Dresden). 


  • 2004: Acupuncture diploma for dentists, DÄGfA
  • 2008: Curriculum dental prosthetics, APW
  • 2009: Curriculum CMF and orofacial pain , APW
  • 2013: Specialization in implantology, Dental School
  • 2013: Curriculum Environmental Dentistry, DEGUZ
  • 2013- 2014: Zertifikat Phantom-Master-Kurs für die Ausbildung in Implantatchirurgie, IFZI
  • 2018: Certified intestinal consultant at the Academy for Intestinal Health, Allergosan Institute Graz, AT
  • 2018: Zertificate PerioPrevention Center, IMOD
  • 2021: healthy and active therapist (metabolic nutritionist)
  • 2022: Certified Cluster Therapist, Meta-Cluster Pyrbaum, Certified Therapist Posturology according to C.I.E.S. (Collège International d' Etude de la Statique) with Dr. Antonio Fimiani
  • 2022: Basic and advanced seminar on light kinesiology and biophoton realignment mirror therapy according to Renzo Celani
  • Since 1998 - today: continuous further training in the fields of dentistry, biological and functional-integrative dentistry

Your certified professional

Dr. Beatrice Hartmann

Dr. Beatrice Hartmann

Contact details

Tel.: 07532 6510

E-Mail: info@zahnarztpraxis-meersburg.de

Web: www.zahnarztpraxis-meersburg.de

Address: Daisendorfer Straße 12, Meerburg 88709

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