Art & Dentistry dental practice

Dr. med. dent. Carmen-Veronika Gaebler-Wolfrum


Many years of experience (35 years of dentistry), a broad spectrum of knowledge and comprehensive expertise in the fields of gentle laser dentistry and aesthetics guarantee you highly professional dental solutions and the best possible therapeutic success.

Dr. med. dent. Carmen Gaebler-Wolfrum

Specialist in gentle laser dentistry and aesthetics
Mastership of Lasers in Dentistry
Practice owner

2013 - 2014 Mastership of Lasers in Dentistry (part-time Master's program "Lasers in Dentistry" RWTH Aachen University)
Completion of extensive further training in all areas of dentistry to date
Courses with renowned colleagues such as Prof. Dr. Moritz, Prof. Dr. Gutknecht, Dr. Lang, Dr. Lindhe, Dr. Hoffmann and Prof. Dr. Gutowski

Specialization in aesthetics since 2000
Specialization in the field of gentle laser therapy since 1996

1981: Establishment of own practice
1978 - 1980 Assistant doctor in Fürth
1978: Doctorate (Dr. med. dent.)
1972 - 1978 : Dental studies at the University of Erlangen

Member of scientific societies:

§ DGCZ (German Society for Computerized Dentistry), membership since 2010

§ DGZMK (German Society for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine)

§ DGL (German Society for Laser Dentistry)

§ DGPZM (German Society for Preventive Dentistry)

§ DGÄZ (German Society for Aesthetic Dentistry)

Numerous training courses at home and abroad since 2003

Your certified professional

Dr. med. dent. Carmen-Veronika Gaebler-Wolfrum

Contact details


Impressions from the practice

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