Clinic for Holistic Dentistry

Dr. Dr. (Phd-UCN) Johann Lechner

1949 married, 2 children
Studied dentistry in Munich
Since 1980

Own practice in Munich - focus of activity: integrative, biological, holistic dentistry.


This includes:

  • Dental interference field diagnostics
  • Dental interference field remediation
  • Metal-free all-ceramic restorations and ceramic implants
  • Amalgam remediation
Board member of the DAH (German Association for Herd and Regulation Research) and the GZM (International Society for Holistic Dentistry) for several years. Multilingual lecturing and seminar activities (German and English) in Europe and abroad, as well as overseas on holistic dentistry.
From 1960 Introduction of the ACCU-Liner® system for orthocranial prosthetics from the USA to Germany
1998 Introduction of zirconium oxide CAD/CAM technology in Germany for the manufacture and clinical application of metal-free dentures
2002 Award of the Austrian Medical Diploma for Holistic Dentistry
2002 Guest lecturer at the Capital University of Washington DC
2003 Presentation of the GZM research prize
2003 Appointment to teach at the Danube University Krems
To date, 13 books and numerous specialist articles have been published by Dr. J. Lechner
The alternative practitioner Dr. J. Lechner
under FocoDENT looks after the organic, psychological and systemic part of holistic medical diagnostics and therapy
12/2004 Authorization to practice medicine as a non-medical practitioner

Foundation of FocoDent with the main focus of activities:


  • Systemic interference field diagnosis
  • Detoxification therapy and infusions/detox infusions
  • Antibiotic-free immunomodulation with ozone therapy
  • Anti-aging infusion therapy
  • Psycho-emotional coaching
2008 Patent granted for non-contact information transmission, which forms the basis of the MindLINK TEST® and PrevenTEST® test systems. 

Your certified professional

Dr. Dr. (Phd-UCN) Johann Lechner

Contact details

Tel.: +49 89 697 00 55



Address: Grünwalder Straße 10a, 81547 München

Impressions from the practice

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