Dr. Quast & Partner

Dr. med. dent. Andreas Quast Dentist, Dental Technician

"I practice this profession because the combination of craft and medicine never gets boring. The most important principle here is to treat the patient gently, with modern methods and high-quality materials, and to prevent damage to health. The long-term satisfaction and general health of the patient is our greatest success, as oral health can have a significant influence on general well-being. Unfortunately, knowledge of these holistic relationships is not widespread - it is a personal concern of mine to help make it available to as many patients and colleagues as possible. Prevention of many common diseases needs to be thought of differently - it often starts in the mouth!"

Your certified professional

Dr. Andreas Quast

Contact details

Tel.: 05 21 81 36 4

Fax: 05 21 | 87 53 46

E-Mail: info@dr-quast.de

Web: www.dr-quast.de

Address: Huchzermeier Str.4, 33611 Bielefeld

Impressions from the practice

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