Oral Systemic Health Prevention
Dr. med. dent. Angelika Brandl-Riedel, dentist
Interdisciplinary collaboration
Chairwoman of the German Association of Women Physicians e.V.
Chairwoman of the German Dental Association e.V.
Delegate of the Chamber Assembly Nordrhein

Vita Dr. med. dent. Angelika Brandl-Riedel
Association activity
- Since 2016 Member of the Board of the German Association of Female Physicians (Deutscher Ärztinnenbund e.V.) Secretary
- Since 2012 Chairwoman German Dental Association e.V.
- Since 2000 Member of the Board of the German Dental Association e.V.
- Studies with Prof. Fritz Popp on regulation diagnostics
- Studies with Prof. Birkmeyer/ Vienna - NADH in Dental Surgery
Dental chamber/KZV-NR
- Since 2002 expert of the KZV-NR for ZE
- Various positions in the Düsseldorf district office of the North Rhine Dental Association
- Delegate of the Chamber Assembly of the Nordrhein Chamber of Dentists
- Since 2001 Lecturer at the Walter-Eucken Berufskolleg
- Doctorate 1996 at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
- Since 1996 branch office in Düsseldorf as dentist
- Study of dentistry at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
- Licensure 1992
- Specialist journalist - Topics: Dentistry, practice management, professional ethics, health policy, gender medicine, work-life balance
- Member of various professional working groups
- Book author "Economically successful in dental practice".
- Speaker - Topics: holistic dentistry, practice management, economic efficiency in dentistry, professional policy
- Innovative dentistry with a view to holistic aspects and promotion of interdisciplinary medical exchange
- Prevention and health promotion
- Promotion of women in dentistry and professional policy

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