Become a senator
Step 1: Recommendation
The admission recommendation or application is made by the presidium, executive board or existing senators. Decision-makers from science, industry and politics associated with the DMS Health Senate can also make recommendations.
Step 2: Personal interviews
In personal discussions, it is important for us to work out common values and possible approaches to cooperation. Lasting cooperation can only be successful if ecological, social and generational action is a genuine concern.
Step 3: Processing in the committees
If admission to the DMS Health Senate is agreed upon, the application for admission will be discussed in the committees.
Step 4: Official tribute
The formal conclusion of the admission procedure is the official honor of becoming a senator. A member of DMS Health Senate is the practice or company that can send one or more representatives to the senate. DMS Health Senate .
The mission
Oral-systemic health has long outgrown a niche. The scientific evidence on the close interplay between oral and physical health is now overwhelming and a critically important issue for the common good. Yet this oral-body axis is largely ignored by dentistry and medicine.
DMS has also recognized this and has therefore created the HealthSenate in DMS.
Act as senator
Through their commitment, all senators of the DMS Health Senate jointly contribute to implementing the goals of the DMS Health Senate in their own organization and to taking a stand for them in the public discussion, thus making an active contribution to actively shaping prevention.
If you, too, feel connected to the goals and values of DMS HealthSenate...
... and solution-oriented would like to actively shape prevention together with us, we look forward to meeting you in person soon!
Nominate senator
As a Senator of the DMS Health Senate, you will receive many profitable benefits. In addition to your reputation and a valuable international network, you will secure tangible benefits for your practice and your team.
Ceremonial senator honor in the castle Bensberg
privileged cooperation with decision-makers from business, politics and science
ideal partnership and cooperation with the senate of economy
Access to selected events of the Senate of the Economy
Integration in Global Network
Visibility through award & complementary DMS practice seal of approval
Training of your team
Practice profile in practice finder
Google for jobs for your job searches
Support through press release and social media
Participation in committee work incl. exchange of experts
Participation in closed-door meetings at Bensberg Castle

Dirk-Rolf Gieselmann
Board of Directors