Weltraumforschung: Revolutionäre Erkenntnisse für bessere Mundgesundheit im Weltraum und auf der Erde
Höhere Leistungsfähigkeit, weniger Zahnverlust, und bessere Gesundheit durch prädiktive Diagnostik aus Deutschland Weltraumforschung: Stressbedingter Zahnverlust bald ein Problem der Vergangenheit? Revolutionäre Erkenntnisse für bessere Mundgesundheit im Weltraum und...

Gesundheitssenat ernennt neue Senatorinnen und Senatoren bei Mundgesundheitskongress auf Schloss Bensberg
Gesundheitssenat ernennt neue Senatorinnen und Senatoren Gesundheitssenat setzt sich für Innovation und Prävention in der Zahnmedizin ein Solingen/ Bensberg, 23.07.2024. – Der Gesundheitssenat in der Deutschen Mundgesundheitsstiftung (DMS) hat elf neue Senatorinnen...

Diabetes and COVID-19: Self-test now helps optimize oral immune defenses
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Diabetes and COVID-19: Self-test now helps to optimize oral immune defense Solingen, April 2020 - An effective barrier through the oral mucosa and an intact oral immune system are enormously important to protect against diabetes and...

Open day: Implant health for a lifetime - MVZ Dentamedic Bad Neustadt
Sunday, October 10, 2021 Open Day: Implant Health for a Lifetime - MVZ Dentamedic Bad Neustadt Solingen, October 2021 - Hundreds of Bad Neustadt residents visited the MVZ Dentamedic in Bad Neustadt on Sunday, October 10, to find out more about...

Why are diabetics particularly at risk from the coronavirus (CoV-2)?
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Why are diabetics particularly at risk from the coronavirus (CoV-2)? According to recent studies, the mucosa of the oral mucosa could be a main entry point for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus into the body. This route of infection...

Scientific dossier IFEG
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Scientific dossier IFEG Here you will find the scientific evaluation of predictive biomarker diagnostics with aMMP-8 by the renowned IFEG Institute, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rychlik: To the dossier
Bridge or implant?
Closing the gap - bridge or implant? You have a gap in your teeth. Now you are wondering how you can smile brightly again. Which is better - bridge or implant. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Here you can find out what you need to know for your...
What does an implant cost?
What does an implant cost? Why be simple when you can be complicated? In Germany, this also applies to the cost of an implant. One thing in advance: You will not know the exact costs until your dentist has drawn up a treatment and cost plan. Inform yourself! Private...
How long does it take to place an implant?
How long does it take to place a dental implant? Your incisor is going the way of all things earthly. That's why your dentist suggested an implant, so that you can delight those around you with a pretty smile again. But how long does it take until you get the...
What is an implant?
What is a dental implant? A gap between your teeth is clouding your smile and your dentist recommends an implant? It's a matter of getting down to the nitty-gritty, because implants cost a considerable sum of money. But what is a dental implant? Here you can find out what you need to...