Prevention pays off
Information and prevention in Germany - a plight The prevention situation in Germany is in a sorry state. Consumer advice centers, the Ministry of Justice and insurers have identified a glaring deficiency in the maintenance of dental health. Prophylaxis and...
What does oral immunocompetence actually mean?
What does oral immunocompetence actually mean? Perhaps you have heard the term oral immunocompetence before and are wondering what it actually means? A healthy oral immune system or immune fitness is of immense importance when it comes to...
Periodontal disease, periodontitis, periimplantitis - who is supposed to know about them?
Periodontal disease, periodontitis, periimplantitis - who is supposed to know? Do you know this? The dentist's wife in the commercials talks about periodontosis, your dentist about periodontitis, and then the terms peridontitis and gingivitis come up. What is it called...
Implants and COVID-19: What is the role of the oral immune system in corona virus infection?
Implants and COVID-19: What is the role of the oral immune system in corona virus infection? The importance of the oral immune system in the progression of COVID-19 disease is increasingly important. "Prevention strengthens immunocompetence at the...
Gingivitis: How to recognize gingivitis
Gingivitis: How to recognize gingivitis When you bite into an apple or brush your teeth, your gums bleed. Then you could have gingivitis. We explain how you can recognize gingivitis and what you can do about it....
aMMP-8 test: early detection preserves teeth
aMMP-8 test: early detection preserves teeth & implants You have a new implant and want to keep it? A pious wish - which sometimes remains unheard. The loss of implants is still part of everyday life in dentistry. A simple saliva test that...

Arteriosclerosis and periodontitis
Arteriosclerosis and periodontitis - when the mouth makes you sick In the vernacular, the veins "calcify". In medicine, this is called arteriosclerosis, a chronic inflammation of the arteries. If the arteries that supply blood to tissues, muscles and organs become...

Diabetes and periodontitis
Correlation between periodontitis and diabetes Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in Germany. More than six million patients officially suffer from this metabolic disease. However, the number of unreported cases is estimated to be much higher. Besides the...

Fertility disorder and premature birth
Fertility disorders and premature birth - when periodontitis gets in the way of having children In Germany alone, there are up to 48,000 premature births every year. However, the cause is not always a maldevelopment of the child. Bacterial vaginal infections, anemia,...

Osteoporosis and periodontitis
Periodontitis and osteoporosis - two distant relatives Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease in which bones lose stability and break more easily. The triggers for bone loss are low mineral salt levels, low...