Parodontitis und Rauchen

Periodontitis and smoking

Periodontal disease and smoking - a pleasure with serious consequences Cancer, cardiovascular disorders, impotence - just one cigarette is a bundle of dangers. It is not for nothing that they say "the body smokes with you". We even inhale the health risk voluntarily - with...

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Initiative Mundgesundheit im BGM

Oral health initiative in BGM

Oral health initiative in occupational health management Heart attacks, strokes and diabetes are the main reasons for high medical costs in most companies, along with mental illnesses. However, there is little awareness of the fact that periodontitis is one of the diseases associated with...

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Allianz Mundgesundheit

Oral health alliance

A strong alliance for oral health: educate, test and protect In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the German Oral Health Foundation (DMS) is taking the initiative and pooling the expertise of local experts (dental practices), industry and associations...

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