Did you know that...
- more teeth are lost through periodontitis than through caries?...

- more than 50% of 31-44 year olds are affected by periodontitis?
- numerous general diseases are closely related to periodontitis?
30 million German citizens are affected by periodontitis - 1.1 million are treated per year - it will take 30 years to treat existing cases at this rate.
Did you know that...
- we can detect periodontitis with simple tests (aMMP-8) even before the first clinical symptoms appear?
- you yourself can fight the tooth killer?
- we can help you that the affected bone can regenerate?
My story about the case of periodontitis:
March 8, 2012: I stand in front of our medicine drawer in the morning and lay out my armada of different medications. At that moment, my wife says a crucial sentence:
"Honey, you do realize that by now you are taking more medication than my father."... Wow, that sat... My father-in-law was almost 80 years old at this point.
But what had happened? In May 2011, I had the seventh and so far most severe episode of a chronic bowel disease. During a longer stay in hospital, the medication was changed. The administered medications had side effects, which were treated with additional medications. These also had side effects - gradually this developed into the aforementioned medication armada with various health problems. I wanted to break this vicious circle and searched the literature for new ways to achieve this.
During my investigative work on chronic intestinal diseases, I repeatedly encountered an old acquaintance from dentistry: periodontitis. Motivated by my own successes in the fight against ulcerative colitis, I decided to additionally follow the trail of our tooth killer. My goal: to fight periodontitis more successfully with the newly acquired knowledge and the newly discovered possibilities.
But how?
You can find out the results of my investigative work in the patient guidebook "Tatort Zahnfleisch-Parodontitis auf der Spur", published by Parocon Verlag. www.parocon.de, or you can contact us at www.zahnarzt-doktor-schadt.de

Zur Vita

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