Specialist practice for orthodontics Dr. Schmitz & colleagues
Dr. Andreas Schmitz

- 1987 – 1992 Study dentistry
- 1993 – 1994 Assistant in the Department of Dental Conservation at the University of Münster 1994 -1996
- 1994 – 1996 Training assistant in the specialist dental practice for orthodontics Dr. Landfermann / Hagen / Westf.
- 1996 – 1997 Further training as a specialist dentist for orthodontics Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- 1995 Promotion
- 1997 Final examination to become a specialist dentist for orthodontics
- 1998 Establishment as a specialist dentist for orthodontics in Ahlen
- 2007 Authorization for further training in the field of orthodontics
- 2010 Curriculum Craniofacial Orthopaedics
- 2011 Master of Science "Dental Functional Diagnostics and Therapy" at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald

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