Spokesman of the DMS Board
Dr.-Ing. Peter Zeitz

Dr.-Ing. Peter Zeitz, Spokesman of the DMS Executive Board
Dr. Peter Zeitz has been actively involved in patient communication in Germany for decades.
From 1994 until April 2017, Dr. Peter Zeitz held the honorary chairmanship of Deutsche Patientenhilfe e.V. and Deutsche Zahnhilfe e.V. respectively. In these almost 23 years, a great deal has been achieved in the field of patient communication.
Since then, Dr. Zeitz has been responsible for patient communication at Informationsstelle Gesundheit, of which he is the founder.
From March 2021, Dr. Zeitz will support the DMS Executive Board team with his knowledge and wealth of experience.
His declared aim is to bring the importance of interdisciplinary health prevention to the attention of the general public.
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