Heidelberger Milchzähne
Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Aurin

Specialist in pediatric and adolescent dentistry at the DGKiZ
- Long-term research assistant at the Heidelberg University Hospital Department of Restorative Dentistry under Prof. Dr. Dr. H. J. Staehle (2014 to 2022). Areas of specialization: Dental treatment of children and adolescents with severe chronic diseases, anxiety patients and impaired patients
- Many years as a lecturer in pediatric and adolescent dentistry (university teaching certificate)
- for dental colleagues at the Academy for Advanced Dental Training in Karlsruhe and at annual conferences of the German Society for Pediatric Dentistry
- for pediatricians as part of the continuing education program of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association and at the Children's Hospital of Heidelberg University Hospital
- for dental assistants at events organized by the Karlsruhe District Dental Association
- Founder and chairwoman of the non-profit association "Zahnputzfuchs e.V." for the promotion of oral health in children
- Member of the German Society for Pediatric Dentistry

Your certified professional

Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Aurin
Contact details
Tel.: 06221 / 67 358 55
Fax: 06221 / 67 358 49
E-Mail: info@heidelberger-milchzaehne.de
Web: www.heidelberger-milchzaehne.de
Address: Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 40, 69118 Heidelberg
Impressions from the practice