Dental conservation
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Roland Frankenberger, President DGZMK, Dentist

Extract from his CV:
- 1967: born in Eichstätt/Bavaria
- 07/1987: A-levels
- 1987-92: Studied dentistry at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- 04/1990: Preliminary dental examination (grade 1)
- 1990: Accepted as a scholarship holder of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation
- 12/1992: State examination and license to practice medicine
- 07/1993: Doctorate
- 1993-94: Staff doctor in Neubrandenburg-Trollenhagen and Neuburg/Danube
- 1993: Annual Best Prize of the DGZ (co-author)
- from 04/1994: Scientific Assistant, Dental Clinic 1 Erlangen
- 1998: Espe Dental Talent Award: Young Consultant of the Year 1998
- 1999: Annual Best Prize of the German Society for Pediatric Dentistry
- 07/2000: Habilitation and Venia legendi, appointment as Priv.-Doz. and senior physician
- 2001: Appointment to the Scientific Advisory Board of the AG Keramik
- 08/2006: Appointment as adjunct professor, FAU Erlangen
- 12/2008: Appointment as Prof. h.c., Stomatological State Academy Kranoyarsk, Russia
- 03/2009: Acceptance of the appointment to the Chair of Dentistry, University of Marburg
- 5/2009: University Professor (W3) and Director of the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Medical Center for Dental Medicine, Philipps University Marburg
- 2012: Elected Managing Director of the Medical Center for ZMK Marburg
- 2021-: Chairman of the Advisory Board for Dentistry at the IMPP
- 2022: Star Top Doctor (Aesthetic Dentistry)
- 2022-: Chairman of the NKLZ editorial group in the MFT

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