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Actively shaping change
If you ask yourself what's new in dentistry in the last ten years, few relevant things come to mind. But the time of Sleeping Beauty is over and the world of dentistry is changing at breathtaking speed! You don't notice any of this yet? Then take a look across the Atlantic Ocean. Because what is currently developing there in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics will permanently change dentistry as we know it. And the German Oral Health Foundation wants to play an active role in shaping this change.
The Senate - shaping the future of oral-systemic dentistry.
The Health Senate in the German Oral Health Foundation forms an excellent network of leading experts from dentistry, medicine, dental hygiene, science, business, professional associations and practices far beyond the borders of Germany. The Senate thus offers a platform for exchange without particular interests, promotes science and works on sustainable concepts for prevention-oriented, holistic dentistry.
In which periods is further training possible?
The mission of the German Oral Health Foundation is to promote oral-systemic health (oral fitness), in which dentistry and medicine work hand in hand, and to inform and educate the public through intensive public relations work. This is because periodontal inflammatory processes have long been an often unrecognized and inadequately treated widespread disease.
What requirements do I need to meet?
The Executive Board is responsible for the operational management of the Foundation. Supported by the scientific advisory board, it develops concepts, strategies and goals of the foundation.
DMS works closely with experts from various fields. These include not only physicians, but also health policy makers, insurers and corporate health management.
The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Board of Directors of the (DMS) Oral Health Foundation on current issues and the implementation of scientific projects.
The messengers of oral health
Oral health ambassadors help raise public awareness of oral-systemic health through regional campaigns.
What advantages does further training offer me?
The ambassadors are proposed by other ambassadors to the Scientific Advisory Board or the Expert Advisory Board. The submitted applications are reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Advisory Board and/or the Expert Advisory Board. After approval by the members, the applicant receives the appointment as Ambassador of Oral Health and a corresponding certificate. Membership of the Senate of Health is a prerequisite for appointment as an ambassador.
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Apply for further training
As a member of the DMS, you receive many profitable benefits. Above all, the opportunities for further training that you receive through exchanges of experience and the like are very attractive.
Transfer of knowledge
Increase of the competence profile
Extension for resume
active standard design

Dirk-Rolf Gieselmann
Board of Directors